-- give info about hidden fields or buttons; bkgnd or card
if the paramcount<1 then
put "field" into whch
put param(1) into whch
end if
if last char of whch is "s" then delete last char of whch
put the number of words of whch into iii
add 1 to iii
put "Hidden " & whch & " - "
put "put the number of " & whch & "s into howMany" into com1
put "get the visible of " & whch into com2
put "get the short name of " & whch into com3
put "show " & whch into com4
put "edit script of " & whch into com5
do com1
put 0 into cntr
put 0 into lastone
repeat with ii = 1 to howMany
put com2 && ii into com
do com
if it is FALSE then
put ii into lastone
put com3 && ii into com
do com
put space & ii && ": " & it && "," after the message window
add 1 to cntr
end if
end repeat
if cntr > 0 then
delete last char of the message window
if cntr>1 then
put "s" after word iii of the message window
end if
answer "Make visible or edit script?" with "Cancel" or "Visible" ¬
or "Edit"
if it is "Cancel" then exit showHidden
if it is "Visible" then
ask "Which one (specify number or ALL):" with "ALL"
if it is empty then exit showHidden
if it is "ALL" then
repeat with ii = 1 to howMany
put com4 && ii into com
do com
end repeat
put com4 && it into com
do com
end if
ask "Which one:" with lastone
if it is empty then exit showHidden
put com5 && it into com
do com
end if
put " None." after the message window
end if
end showHidden
-- part contents for background part 4
----- text -----
This command will search the current card for hidden fields or buttons. It will show a brief list of them and then give the opportunity to either make them visible or to edit the script of one of them. Copy the handler below into your Home Card stack script